Monday, July 27, 2009

GIVEAWAY!! Plus a PIF!!!

Good day bloggers!!! Well today I have decided to do my giveaway!!! WOO HOO!! This giveaway is going to be a simple giveaway but something hopefully worth while to some one or many of you. The giveaway is going to be for a surprise gift from me and possibly from a fellow WAHM!!!! So here is how my 1st giveaway is going to work. As of right now I have no followers :0( and zero comments, so for anyone who decides to follow my blog or leave a comment will be entered into my giveaway!!! I will run this giveaway from today, July 27th until next Wednesday Aug 5th. My winner will be posted in my blog Aug 6th!! So who wants to get in this giveaway!?!?!

Okay with that said I have more good news!!! Does anyone ever do any RAOKs(random acts of kindness) or PIF (pay it forwards)? Both of these are kind gestures made to one another in hopes of passing them on. Well I know of a few PIFS that I thought I would pass on to you all!! These are great PIF's too! Here is the link to check it out.
( Now I can say this person has great products and you will not be disappointed! She is a WAHM with 3 kids. She offers many types of items from homemade soap to homemade pain cream.(the pain cream works, I use it!!) SO be sure to check out her PIF.....20 cents can go along!


Clueless_Mama said...

Yea! I am so glad I can leave you a comment now :) So glad to have found your site and I am now a follower! Great giveaway

Mandee said...

Hello! I am following you from MBC! I thought we could relate a little since I'm Mother to 4 boys! Great giveaway! :)

keiki gifts said...

Hi! Nice RAOK and etsy link. Great fun and much success on your blog and business!

Joshlin said...

Well how are you today? I am happy to find your blog through MBC! I am now a follower.

CailinMarie said...

hey there! I found you through MBC under 100 list! I love your spunky blog voice ;-) so I've followed you as well.
I am hosting a giveaway too at
and I'd love it if you'd come check it out!
Thanks - see ya around the blogs

L Fisher said...

Hello, found you on MBC under 100 club, now a follower! :)

Margaret said...

Hi! I followed you from MBC but am also following you through Blogger.