Friday, July 24, 2009

Candle Makin PIF's & RAOK's

Howdy Hoo Everyone! How are all of you?

Oh what a lovely day today is...yeah is hot and humid.(which doesn't help my back and leg issues) At least it is sunny and not raining or thunderstorms like they stated.(day isn't over yet so better be careful)
Well I have some shocking news.....I am pouring candles today!!!

OMG it has been forever I think since I poured some candles! So far I made just a single jar candle in mac apple and now I am in the process of making a loaf candle in banana berry shortcake....with toppings and all. Waitig for my wax to cool is taing forever, so I need to decide what scent I want to make my next candle in. I guess I will go down to my storgae area and close my eyes and just pick one. Ya know what, let me go dow satirs pick my scent with closed eyes, finish my banana berry shortcake and then come back later and finish this blog. (maybe with pictures)
I'll be back later!

Okay later is here!!

LOL and I am all done for today/tonight.WOW it felt good pouring like that again. I made 4 candles, banana berry shortcake in a loaf pan, black forrest truffle, mac apple and brairberry clementine.The mac apple and brairberry clementine are just regular jar candles and the other 2 are of course forrest truffle is grubby and the loaf of course is topped.

Okay why did I make these candles today after months of not pouring candles. I poured my candles for my friend Maryann, who I think you all need to check me you want to check out her etsy site ( ) Maryann and I do alot of swapping and trading...we help each other. Since we do that, help one another out, I want to share some more with you on Maryann.

My friend Maryann is a very talented soaper. She makes such awesome soaps and bath & body products that once you try them you are hooked. Anyway she does PIF(pay it forwards ) which is similiar to a RAOK(random act of kindness) on her etsy site.... She is offering a PIF right now, so ya may want to go check it out. Now you can also find Maryann's items on my website but her PIF is not there. SORRY!(

Maryann is like me and we like to do PIF, RAOK and now giveaways. Now when it is time for my giveaway which I think I will post finally tomorrow, I may have a sample of her goodies in there as well. So be sure to watch for the giveaway and pass it on. Okay so here is just one picture, a quick not perfect picture of one of the candles.